Shutting Things Down To Open Things Up
Fithian, Lisa. Shut It Down: Stories From A Fierce, Loving Resistance. Vermont, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2019.

We Were Born For This Fight
Wallace-Wells, David. The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming. Tim Duggan Books. 2019.
McKibben, Bill. Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out? Henry Holt and Company. 2019.
LaValle, Victor and John Joseph Adams, editors. A People’s Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers. One World. 2019.

The Pitchforks Are Coming For Philanthropy
Villanueva, E. Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2018.
Reich, R. Just Giving: Why Philanthropy Is Failing Democracy and How it Can Do Better. Princeton University Press, 2018.
Giridharadas, A. Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World. New York, NY: Knopf, 2018.

The Next Political Revolution
Bond, Becky and Zack Exley. Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything. Chelsea Green, 2016.
Whitman, Gordon. Stand Up! How to Get Involved, Speak Out, and Win In A World On Fire. Berrett-Koehler, 2018.
Smucker, Jonathan. Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals. AK Press, 2017.

Fixing the Problems with Universal Basic Income
Lowrey, Annie. Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World. Crown, 2018.
Stern, Andy with Kravitz, Lee. Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream. Public Affairs, 2016.
Pizzigati, Sam. The Case for a Maximum Wage. Polity Press, 2018.

Do What Makes Your Heart Beat Faster
Szakos, Kristin Layng and Joe Szakos. We Make Change: Community Organizers Talk About What They Do — And Why. Vanderbilt University Press, 2007.
Joan Minieri and Paul Getsos. Tools for Radical Democracy: How To Organize for Power In Your Community. Jossey-Bass, 2007.
Brown, Michael Jacoby. Building Powerful Community Organizations: A Personal Guide to Creating Groups That Can Solve Problems and Change the World. Long Haul Press, 2007.

Grounding Transcendence
Gecan, Michael. Going Public. Beacon Press, 2002.
Hart, Stephen. Cultural Dilemmas of Progressive Politics: Styles of Engagement Among Grassroots Activists. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Jacobsen, Dennis A. Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organizing. Fortress Press, 2001.
Shirley, Dennis. Valley Interfaith and School Reform: Organizing for Power in South Texas. University of Texas Press, 2002.
Warren, Mark R. Dry Bones Rattling: Community Building to Revitalize American Democracy. Princeton University Press, 2001.
Wood, Richard L. Faith in Action: Religion, Race, and Democratic Organizing in America. University of Chicago Press, 2002.

Regions Apart: Markets, Mandates, and the Future of Cities
Dreier, P., Mollenkopf, J., and Swanstrom, T. Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-first Century. University Press of Kansas, 2001.
Beito, D.T., Gordon, P. Tabarrok, A. The Voluntary City: Choice, Community, and Civil Society. University of Michigan Press, 2002.